ICT Tenders: In search of software.
A slim volume of the National Tender Bulletin turns out to have much to offer the ICT industry. Like last week, the issue gets much of its bulk from the placement of multiple advertisements, this time from the Council for Geoscience and Ezemvelo KwaZulu-Natal Wildlife, which have posted three notices a piece.
Software dominates the bulletin with 17 advertisements, with the nature of these requirements favouring a variety of enterprise solutions, rather than requests for licensing renewals. While financial management, customer relationship management and HR solutions get a mention, demand for information management solutions is highest.
New tenders
State Information Technology Agency
The State Information Technology Agency (SITA) is advertising for the supply of an enterprise backup and data management solution for a period of sixty (60) months.
Tender no: RFB 1876-2018
Information: Bongi Mochalatjie, (012) 482 2034, bongi.mochalatjie@sita.co.za
Closing date: 15 February, 2019
Tags: Hardware, Software, Data management, Security, Backup
The agency is also looking for a service provider to supply and implement a security incident and event monitoring solution with maintenance and support for Statistics South Africa for a period of thirty-six (36) months.
Tender no: RFB 1878-2018
Information: Bongani April, (012) 482 2546, bongani.april@sita.co.za
Closing date: 15 February, 2019
Tags: Software, Services, Support and Maintenance
National Research Foundation
The South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO) requires supply, delivery and support of 17 SKARAB units and cabling required to integrate with the Dish Verification System.
Compulsory briefing: 5 February, 2019
Tender no: NRF SARAO SCBF001 2018
Information: Technical: P Kotze, (021) 506 7300, pkotze@ska.ac.za General: R Arnold, (021) 506 7300, fax (021) 506 7375, rarnold@ska.ac.za
Closing date: 18 February, 2019
Tags: Hardware, Software, Networking
SARAO is also looking for the supply and delivery of a Phase Noise Analyser.
Tender no: NRF SARAO STFR005 2018
Information: Technical: R Siebrits, (021) 506 7300, renier@ska.ac.za General: R Arnold, (021) 506 7300, fax (021) 506 7375, rarnold@ska.ac.za
Closing date: 20 February, 2019
Tags: Hardware, Software
Department of Health, Western Cape
The Department of Health in the Western Cape is advertising for the supply, delivery, installation, commissioning, support and maintenance of Video Conferencing Mobile Trolleys for the Western Cape College of Nursing Metro West Campus (Athlone), Metro East Campus (Stikland), Boland Campus (Worcester) and Southern Cape Karoo Campus (George) for a one (1) year period.
Note: Bid documents will be available electronically. Please send written request for documents with full company details to rukmini.jacobs@westerncape.gov.za or fax 086 516 1517. Payment in cash must be deposited into the Department of Health’s account. Internet transfers (EFTs) are also acceptable. Proof of payment must be submitted on request of documents.
Tender no: WCGHSC0177/2018
Information: Technical: Clinton Brown or Jerome Brandreth, (021) 684 1215/1280, Clinton.Brown2@westerncape.gov.zaor jerome.brandreth@westerncape.gov.za General: R Jacobs, (021) 483 4515, fax (021) 483 2530, rukmini.jacobs@westerncape.gov.za
Closing date: 22 February, 2019
Tags: Hardware, Services, Telecommunications, Video Conferencing, Support and Maintenance
Council for Geoscience
The council is looking for a service provider for the upgrade/replacement and ongoing support of its server, storage and backup infrastructure.
Compulsory briefing: 12 February, 2019
Tender no: CGS-2018-046K
Information: Kakaretso Phiri or Asanda Nase, (012) 841 1487/1537, kphiri@geoscience.org.za
Closing date: 25 February, 2019
Tags: Hardware, Services, Servers, Storage, Backup, Support and Maintenance
A service provider is also required for the supply, implementation, support and maintenance of an enterprise resource planning system for a period of three (3) years.
Compulsory briefing: 13 February, 2019
Tender no: CGS-2018-050A
Information: Asanda Nase, (012) 841 1537, fax 086 679 3267, anase@geoscience.org.za
Closing date: 25 February, 2019
Tags: Software, Services, Enterprise Resource Planning, Support and maintenance
The Council for Geoscience wishes to appoint a service provider for the development, implementation and maintenance of an Integrated Geoscience Data Management Solution for a period of three (3) years.
Compulsory briefing: 14 February, 2019
Tender no: CGS-2018-048L
Information: Lungile Moeketsi, (012) 841 1251, fax 086 679 3267, lmoeketsi@geoscience.org.za
Closing date: 25 February, 2019
Tags: Software, Services, Data management, Software development, Support and maintenance
Agricultural Research Council
Proposals are invited for the leasing, supplying and maintenance of ICT desktop equipment for all ARC offices for three (3) years.
Compulsory briefing: 6 February, 2019
Tender no: ARC/26/11/18
Information: Musa Zondo, (012) 427 9733, zondomp@arc.agric.za
Closing date: 25 February, 2019
Tags: Hardware, Services, Computing, Support and maintenance
Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, KwaZulu-Natal
The department requires a service provider to supply, deliver and install an automated biometric identification system.
Note: Bidders should ensure that bid documents are delivered timeously to the correct address. Late bids will not be accepted for consideration.
Compulsory briefing: 12 February, 2019
Tender no: ZNT 1925/2018 LG
Information: Technical: Dumisani Mnyandu, (033) 897 3860, dumisani.mnyandu@kzncogta.gov.za. General: Lindiwe Madlala, (033) 395 2174, fax 086 642 8873 or (033) 342 8330, lindiwe.madlala@kzncogta.gov.za
Closing date: 6 March, 2019
Tags: Hardware, Software, Biometrics, Security
Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Limpopo
The Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism in Limpopo requires the supply, installation and configuration of network equipment, as well as the installation of a fibre backbone link, which includes network equipment. Warranty for thirty-six (36) months.
Tender no: RFB 1875-2018
Information: Technical: Pitsi Mashamaite, (012) 482 2588, Pitsi.Mashamaite@sita.co.za. General: Mametsi Raphala, (012) 482 2588, Pitsi.Mashamaite@sita.co.za
Closing date: 15 February, 2019
Tags: Hardware, Telecommunications, Networking, Fibre
Department of Public Enterprises
The Department of Public Enterprises invites services providers to submit proposals to assist it with the development and implementation of a governance, risk and compliance management information system.
Tender no: DPE 13/2018-2019
Information: Abel Makhafola, (012) 431 1005, abel.makhafola@dpe.gov.za
Closing date: 22 February, 2019
Tags: Software, Software development
Department of Rural Development and Land Reform
The province invites bids for the supply and delivery of communication infrastructure services to the Chief Directorate: National Geo-Spatial Information, Rhodes Avenue, Mowbray, Cape Town.
Note: Only bidders registered as B-BBEE Status Level 1 to 8 will be considered for this bid, as per the Preferential Procurement Regulations 2017. Bidders that do not meet these prequalification criteria will be disqualified from further evaluation. Bidders are required to submit proof of B-BBEE Status Level or a sworn affidavit in terms of the codes of good practice.
Compulsory briefing: 5 February, 2019
Tender no: SSC WC 24 (2018/2019) DRDLR
Information: Technical: Patrick Vorster, (021) 658 4312, Patrick.Vorster@drdlr.gov.za. General: Busisiwe Sondishe, (021) 409 0526, Busisiwe.Sondishe@drdlr.gov.za
Closing date: 15 February, 2019
Tags: Telecommunications
Estate Agency Affairs Board
The board is advertising for a customer relationship management solution.
Tender no: EAAB RFP-CRM 2018/005
Information: Technical: Thokozani Khumalo, (011) 731 5657, thokozani.khumalo@eaab.org.za. General: Bhekisane Maseko, (011) 731 5657, bheki@eaab.org.za
Closing date: 20 February, 2019
Tags: Software, Customer relationship management, CRM
Ezemvelo KwaZulu-Natal Wildlife
The Supply Chain Management Unit is looking for a financial budgeting and reporting SAP integrated solution for period of five (5) years.
Compulsory briefing: 4 February, 2019
Tender no: EKZNW 12/2019
Information: Technical: Ebrahim Mullar, (033) 845 1999, fax 086 532 9990, ebrahim.mulla@kznwildlife.com. General: Sbonelo Ngubelanga, (033) 845 1450, fax 086 532 9990, ngubelas@kznwildlife.com
Closing date: 22 February, 2019
Tags: Software, Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP
The organisation is also looking for an integrated human resources management system for the period of five (5) years.
Compulsory briefing: 6 February, 2019
Tender no: EKZNW 13/2019
Information: Technical: Buhle Ndunakazi, (033) 845 1714, fax 086 532 9990, buhle.ndunakazi@kznwildlife.com. General: Sbonelo Ngubelanga, (033) 845 1450, fax 086 532 9990, ngubelas@kznwildlife.com
Closing date: 22 February, 2019
Tags: Software, HR management
A non-financial performance reporting and information management system is also required for a period of five (5) years.
Compulsory briefing: 4 February, 2019
Tender no: EKZNW 11/2019
Information: Technical: Pravin Pillay, (033) 845 1999, fax 086 532 9990, pravin.pillay@kznwildlife.com General: Sbonelo Ngubelanga, (033) 845 1450, fax 086 532 9990, ngubelas@kznwildlife.com
Closing date: 22 February, 2019
Tags: Software
Department of Social Development
A service provider is required to assist the department in aligning the organisational structure to the business strategy; inclusive of work load measurement as well as business process mapping and re-engineering.
Compulsory site inspection: 5 February, 2019
Tender no: SD06/2018
Information: Technical: K Watson, (012) 312 7566, kobusw@dsd.gov.za. General: S Mabina, (012) 312 7447, ShamaM@dsd.gov.za
Closing date: 15 February, 2019
Tags: Services, Consulting, Business Process Optimisation
Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority (SASSETA)
Bids are invited for the provision and implementation of an integrated management information system to support SASSETA’s core business.
Tender no: RFP/SASSETA/201819128/1
Information: Musa Mazibuko, scm01@sasseta.org.za
Closing date: 8 February, 2019
Tags: Software, Business Intelligence
Small Enterprise Development Agency
The Small Enterprise Development Agency is looking for a South African service provider to provide it with a fully rentable IP-based security system solution for a period of twelve (12) months.
Tender no: T011-2018/19
Information: S Wright, (012) 441 1218, fax (012) 441 2218, swright@seda.org.za
Closing date: 18 February, 2019
Tags: Software, Security, Cloud computing
Expressions of interest
Department of Health, Eastern Cape
Expressions of interest are invited for the digitisation and archiving of clinical records for a period of three (3) years.
Tender no: SCMU3-18/19-0445-HO
Information: Z Manyela, (040) 608 9665, zukile.manyela@echealth.gov.za
Closing date: 22 February, 2019
Tags: Software, Services, Data Management, Scanning, Storage
Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority
The provision and implementation of integrated management information system to support SASSETA core business.
Tender no: RFP/SASSETA/201819128/1
Department of Co-Operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, KwaZulu-Natal
The appointment of a service provider to supply, deliver and install an automated biometric identification system.
Tender no: ZNT 1925/2018 LG
Department of Tourism
The appointment of service providers to manage the implementation of data collectors/capturers project for the development of the National Tourism Information and Monitoring System (Cluster 1: Eastern Cape).
Tender no: NDT0011/18
Successful bidder: Amathemba Skills (Pty) Ltd
Value: R3 445 694
The appointment of service providers to manage the implementation of data collectors/capturers project for the development of the National Tourism Information and Monitoring System (Cluster 5: Free State and Northern Cape).
Tender no: NDT0011/18
Successful bidder: Mothusi Management Consultants T/A MMS Business Solutions
Value: R2 998 962
The appointment of a service provider to design, develop and test the national tourism information and monitoring system for a period not longer than four (4) months.
Tender no: NDT0014/18
Successful bidder: Flow Communications
Value: R672 000
Fibre Processing Manufacturing Sector Education and Training Authority
The provision of enterprise resource planning system.
Tender no: ERP/FPM/06-18
Successful bidder: Solugrowth (Pty) Ltd
Value: R4 082 081
Electoral Commission
Software audit for results systems 2019.
Tender no: IEC/ ICT- 01/2018
Successful bidder: Big Business Innovations Group (Pty) Ltd
Value: R1 207 000
National Nuclear Regulator
The appointment of a service provider for the maintenance and support of database and NDR application for a period of twenty-four (24) months.
Tender no: NNRSCM-03/2018
Successful bidder: Fuse IT (Pty) Ltd
Value: R587 535